Your attitude can make all the difference!
Great Expectations
Your attitude can make all the difference!Amplifeied
A blog about spine care and options as well as what you do or do not want from a Chiropractor.
Your attitude can make all the difference!
Regular chiropractic adjustments helps maintain the brain's control of your body to keep you healthy.
Don't start a diet with an expiration date. Focus on a lifestyle that will last forever.
"Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it." Heather Morgan
Change is never easy, but if you replace excuses with effort, everything will come together.
Do something every day to meet your fitness goals.
It is not happy people that are thankful. It is the thankful people who are happy.
Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial to your diet even though about 95% of Americans aren’t getting enough Omega-3s in their diet.
"Low Fat" and "Sugar Free" are not good for your diet. Eat whole foods and use natural sweeteners sparingly.
"Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life." Wayne Dyer
Eat healthy, exercise regularly, get quality sleep and enough of it, think positive, and include regular chiropractic care.