Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Test Your Spinal Health Knowledge

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Test Your Spinal Health Knowledge 

How well do you know your spine?  Take this true/false test and find out.  The answers are at the bottom, don't cheat.
1) Back pain is the most common cause of lost work time and disability in the U.S.                                    T           F
2) Spinal degenerative arthritis is the result of lost joint function over time, not age.                                 T           F
3) When I have an episode of back pain I should immediately apply ice.                                                   T           F
4) All strain/sprain injuries will heal with some amount of fibrotic and scar tissue.                                      T           F
5) Scar tissue will never go away and will restrict normal movement patterns unless stretched out.            T           F
6) The disks in my spine are 80% water, they only get hydration and nutrition when the vertebrae move.   T          F
7) Pain is not an indicator of how healthy my spine is.                                                                               T          F
8) Failure to restore normal motion and function means any pain relief is temporary.                                T           F
9) A joint that can not move can not nourish itself and will lead to degenerative arthritis.                           T          F
10) Back pain is caused by a lack of ibuprofen in my system.                                                                   T           F
11) My muscles spasm because they are bored, not to protect tissues from re-injury.                               T           F
12) If I must sit, sitting on a balance ball is the best thing to choose.                                                        T           F
13) Back pain is self limiting, not an episode in a chronic degenerative functional pathology.                   T           F
14) A Chiropractor "straightens my spine".                                                                                              T           F
15) I should only take care of my spine if it hurts.                                                                                    T           F
16) Morning lower back stiffness is normal when I get old.                                                                       T           F
17) Maintaining good motion is critical to the survival of disks and joints.                                                 T           F
18) My spines health is my Chiropractors responsibility, not mine.                                                            T          F
19) When one area of my spine is stuck, the other areas move more to compensate.                              T           F
20) Back pain is usually the result of de-conditioning and poor biomechanics.                                         T           F
21) Chiropractor's stretch and move muscles, tendons and ligaments that I can not.                                T          F
22) I must stretch and move muscles and ligaments 12 times to make them healthy.                                T           F
23) A Chiropractor is necessary to help manage my spines health just like a Dentist or Eye Doctor.        T           F
24) How often I get my spine stretched and adjusted will have a direct correlation to how healthy my
      spine will be for the rest of my life.                                                                                                    T          F
25) Everyone should have a spinal checkup by a Chiropractor regularly.                                                 T          F
26) I only have to brush my teeth when they hurt.                                                                                    T         F
27) Chiropractic care help to restore and maintain full joint range of motion.                                           T         F
28) Joints can have poor bio-mechanics without pain or other symptoms.                                                T         F
29) Regular Chiropractic care reduces the risk of injury and degenerative arthritis.                                T         F
30) Most back pain and disability is preventable if we just learned how to take care of our spines.          T         F
Answers:  All of them are true except the following.  10,11,13,14,15,16,18,22,26.

If you want to find the majority of the answers and why, visit and click on Learn about your spine.

The information above is for educational purposes only and is not advise or intended to diagnose, treat or manage any health condition.  If you have any condition you should seek consult from your Doctor.

James D. McLelland D.C.
Chiropractor Short Pump, Virginia
Chiropractic Centers of Virginia Short Pump and Physical Medicine.
Chiropractor Richmond | Chiropractor Short Pump |  Chiropractor Glen Allen | Chiropractor Innsbrook

Author: James D. McLelland D.C.
Source: and Physical Medicine

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